EUROSLA Constitution
The name of the Association shall be the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA)
The Association seeks to further within Europe and on a multidisciplinary basis research into the acquisition, use, and processing of language in situations where more than one language is involved (for ease of referenceSLA )
To this end it will:
I. gather and disseminate information among SLA researchers in Europe ;
II. promote co-operation and the pooling of resources;
III. further training for SLA research at all academic levels;
IV. create broader awareness of the problems and benefits of multilingual learning and use;
V. form a body of expert opinion and matters to do with SLA ;
VI. establish and maintain contacts with other bodies with related interest;
VII. organise and sponsor conferences and meetings on a regular basis
Membership shall be on an individual basis and shall cost an amount to be agreed annually by the Executive Committee subject to local and ad hoc arrangements.
The Committee of the Association
The governing body of the Association shall consist of an Executive Committee made up of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, three elected members, and up to two co-opted members. Officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for two years, and the tenure of executive officers shall be maximally two terms.
The editor of the Association’s magazine, who shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, shall attend Executive Committee meetings on an ex officio basis.
The Annual Meeting of the Association shall take place during the annual conference. Elections for vacant offices and ordinary executive committee membership shall take place at the annual meeting. Any paid-up member may vote at annual meetings. Audited accounts shall be prepared annually by the Treasurer and shall be approved by the Annual meeting.
Changes to the constitution may be made only at the annual meeting and shall require two-thirds consent.
In its meetings and publications the association shall promote, as far as is feasible, the multilingual dissemination and exchange of spoken and written information.
Should the Association be dissolved the funds held by the Association shall be allocated to an Association to be decided by the members. Such dissolution shall only take place with the consent of two-thirds of the membership at an Annual Meeting.
Wivenhoe House, Colchester , 26 November, 1989